The US astronaut, Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14), the sixth man ever to have walked on the moon and pilot of the lunar module on his mission, is coming to Switzerland to participate in a public conference in Tramelan, on Monday 7 July at 20h00. Mitchell will be accompanied by Swiss astronaut, Claude Nicollier et by Prof. Johannes Geiss, former professor at the l’Institut de physique at Bern University. Edgar Mitchell’s talk will be in English. The conference has been organised by the Jura Bernois Chamber of commerce and Swissapollo. Space enthusiasts are welcome! Click here for more details on the event & the location.
Mitchell will also be giving a press conference at the Club Suisse de la Presse (La Pastorale) in Geneva on 4 July at 09h30.
We have the space to accommodate 10 children (plus one accompanying adult) at the Press Conference to be held at the Club Suisse de la Presse (La Pastorale) in Geneva. Please fill out the form below and tell us why you would like to participate, and what questions you’d like to ask Edgar Mitchell. We won’t be able to accommodate everybody in Geneva, but you will all have the opportunity to hear Edgar Mitchell in person on Monday 7 July in Tramelan at 20h00.