We hope you have had a great start to the year. On our side, at Le News, we have seen our audience growing steadily and we are very excited about continuing to bring readers more about what is happening in this corner of the world.
Following a detailed analysis of what our readers want we have decided to suspend the print version until further notice and focus all our efforts on our online offering.
On the organizational side, Ed Girardet, our Managing Editor, will be travelling significantly more this year for other projects and commitments, and as such will no longer be able to continue in his current role. He will, however, be remaining with Le News as an editorial advisor and contributor.
We look forward to your comments and interaction on-line either via our website (www.staging.lenews.ch), on Facebook, on Twitter or on LinkedIn. If you haven’t done so already, please sign up for our weekly e-newsletter. We’d also be most appreciative if you would forward this to anyone who might also be interested in receiving our increasingly popular e-newsletter.
Best wishes,
The Le News Team
PS For distribution points: Please would you forward this information to your staff or make this information available to those who regularly picked up a copy on your premises, so they can continue to receive Le News via our weekly email newsletter. We very much appreciate your support in this regard.