PEGIDA expands to Switzerland in the wake of Charlie Hebdo attack

Germany to SwitzerlandThe German PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident) movement is using the outrage following the Charlie Hebdo attacks to further its cause. It was founded in October 2014 in Dresden, Germany and its Facebook page now has over 140,000 likes. It is difficult to ascertain the group’s objectives. The German news service Deutsche Welle says their banners are vague and carry slogans such as: “For the preservation of our culture”; “Against religious fanaticism”; “Against religious wars on German soil.”

Last week in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack, a Swiss PEGIDA was launched. According to their Facebook page, which had around 4,000 likes on 14 January 2015, a march is planned on 16 February 2015 with guest speakers from Germany, The Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland.

This has sparked a counter movement called NO PEGIDA Schweiz, which had over 8,000 likes on its Facebook page on 14 January 2015 and carries the slogan “No to xenophobia in Switzerland” in Switzerland’s four national languages. Many followers also display a graphic proclaiming that 1% of Switzerland says no.

On Facebook at least the Swiss NO PEGIDA movement has more support than Swiss PEGIDA.

The latest edition of Charlie Hebdo hits the streets

Charlie Hebdo hits the streetsToday, one week after the appalling attack on Charlie Hebdo’s office in Paris the weekly satirical magazine published its regular weekly edition. According to the Swiss newspaper the NZZ it will be translated into 16 languages (including Arabic) and be available in Switzerland in German on Friday. The French version is expected to arrive tonight and be available in Switzerland on Thursday according to

For more on this, including pictures of the cover:
Rushing to the kiosks for the new “Charlie” (Tribune de Genève – French)
Too bad they drew the face of the Prophet (Tribune de Genève – French)
Charlie Hebdo reappears (NZZ – German)

From Silent Night to Explosive Night: A blaze of violence in Zurich

riots_zurich151214It is Christmas time! Time for Christmas carols, Christmas cookies and beautiful street decorations. However, Christmas time in Zürich this year seems to be a little different: On 13 December about 200 often masked rioters armed with crude weapons including iron bars plundered and vandalised the centre of Switzerland’s biggest city, causing significant damage to numerous properties.

The demonstrators carried a banner with the English inscription “Reclaim the streets” (RTS) (a reference to the anti-capitalist “Occupy” movement). The organizers clarified the reasons for their violent action expressly condemning the newly created housing developments at the Europaallee. These are considered a symbol of Zürich’s urban renewal. “Monotone landscapes à la Google Quarter, Europe Avenue and Zürich West proliferate to service the capital”, could be read on a leaflet. “We want a city that is loud, messy and exciting.”  This slogan correspondent with the original objectives of the protest by the ”Reclaim the Streets” movement which organized spontaneous, unapproved but peaceful parties in public spaces to condemn the commercialization and privatization of public spaces.  However, this time the RTS movement became a cover for violence. All shop windows in this zone were destroyed and the damage is estimated to be worth about CHF 1 Million. The Zurich police were taken by surprise. “We had no warning in advance” commented spokesman Marco Corte. The protestors even stole equipment from the law enforcement agencies. The police were forced to use rubber bullets, teargas and water hoses to disperse the riot. Seven policemen were hurt and four men, aged between 20 and 36 were arrested – two Swiss, one British and one Liechtensteiner. Peace and order was restored by midnight. “Events such as “Reclaim the Streets” or “Dance Yourself Free” offer violent left-wing extremists a platform to perpetrate acts of violence and provide an excellent opportunity for them to recruit new members” stated Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB) spokeswoman, Isabelle Graber. These events are organized exceptionally by the extremist left-wing as a free ticket to violence for an apolitical youth.

Arlette zakarian 72 dpiArlette Zakarian

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