This 13th edition is once again bringing a multitude of films from the Near and Middle East, including Iran, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and many other countries, to show the amazing diversity of cultures.
This year, with about 100 films from 30 countries and some 80 guests, the festival is focusing on women’s issues and youth. Most of the juries are made up of women, and they have also picked students to express their views, while even engaging with prisons in their program. What better way to progress towards peace and understanding of other people and cultures than through the medium of film?
Try not to miss the various screenings and debates that will be offered in their main hub at the Grutli Cultural Center next to Victoria Hall, and at more than 20 other screening locations. Pick up their detailed catalogue at the Grutli or check out their program on
21-29 April 2018
Cinémas du Grütli / Maison des Arts du Grütli
Rue Général-Dufour 16 – 1204 Genève
Tel. : 022 320 78 78
Chemin des Colombières 4 – 1290 Versoix
Tel. : 022 755 27 18
Espace 99
Rue de Lyon 99 – 1203 Genève
Tel. : 022 418 95 99
Le Chic (sous-sol de l’America)
Rue de Fribourg 3 – 1201 Genève
Tel. : 022 738 28 97
Le Chat Noir
Rue Vautier 13 – Carouge
Tel. : +33 22 343 49 98
By Neptune
Neptune Ravar Ingwersen reviews film extensively for publications in Switzerland. She views 4 to 8 films a week and her aim is to sort the wheat from the chaff for readers.
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