Here are two delightful French releases: one a romantic comedy that takes quite a different look at relationships, and the other, a comic buddy-movie with social undertones.
UN PEU, BEAUCOUP, AVEUGLEMENT *** (vo French) The talented, attractive Clovis Cornillac is back, this time in a film by and with him, with a surprising twist on a budding romance. Mixing in two loners, a wall, some Chopin and the songs of Serge Lama, he has created a charming, feel-good love story, with the help of his wife, Lilou Fogli, who is co-screenwriter and plays the sister of his love interest in the story. It is not easy to make a satisfying romantic comedy, so don’t miss this successful one.
(Photos – JMH)
LE TALENT DE MES AMIS *** (vo French) Alex Lutz, a super-talented, well-known French stage and television comedian has written and directed this buddy-movie that examines friendship and the meaning of careers and life, all rolled up in a philosophical comedy. It’s about the insecurities, jealousies and hopes that men often feel in their jobs and relationships but don’t dare reveal. The three protagonist are all friends in real life, and one feels it.
Neptune Ravar Ingwersen reviews film extensively for publications in Germany and Switzerland. She views 4 to 8 films a week and her aim is to sort the wheat from the chaff for readers.