Nyon has long been keen to develop its green credentials and live up to its self-proclaimed sobriquet “Cité de l’énergie”.
Putting its money where its mouth is, the city has announced that it is running a seminar on 24 November on how to save money by cutting heating bills. Its aim is to inform the public at large on how to get more out of home heating systems and how to reduce hefty heating bills. Organised in conjunction with l’Association Cité de l’énergie, the seminar builds on a series of initiatives in the region such as half day seminars for builders, concierges etc. on how to optimise the use of central heating.
The session is free and will be held at 19h30 on 24 November at la salle du Conseil communal de Nyon, Ferme du Manoir, place du Château 2, as is the local (and most welcome) custom, an apéro will be served after the session.