Two young men in the Netherlands conducted an experiment and made a short video about it that has now been viewed over 6 million times. They took a Bible, disguised it as a Holy Quran, and read passages of it to passersby in the street.
The passages
They chose passages from the old testament including:
“If you reject my commands and abhor my laws you will eat the flesh of your own sons and the flesh of your own daughters” – Leviticus 26:17
“I do not allow for a woman to teach…you will have to cut off her hand…do not forgive her” – Deuteronomy 25:12
“If two men sleep with each other they will both have to be killed” – Leviticus 20:13
The comparison
After reading these excerpts they asked how it compares to the Bible.
“Hearing this I would say that the Quran in more aggressive.”
“To me this sounds like they want to oppress you and force you to believe what they believe.”
“I think the Bible mostly has a lot of positive things in it.”
“How could anyone believe in this? That’s unbelievable to me.”
“It bothers me that some people see these old writings as the absolute truth.”
The revelation
Then the pair revealed the truth, that the they were in fact reading from the old testament of the Bible. People were stunned.
“Wow I did not see that coming, not at all.”
“That is really unbelievable.”
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